Final measurements in Bulgaria 06.09.2022.

Our HepaS pilot months has passed so fast and we have done already the final measurements in Bulgaria which would allow us to proof that physical activity is a must in our lifes, regardless of our age!

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3rd Transnational project meeting in Mirandela, Portugal 13.07.2022.

In the city of Mirandela, Portugal, from 12.-14.07.2022, a meeting of partners on the Hepa S project was held, where each partner country presented their progress on the implementation of the pilot project. It is evident that the program significantly affected their functional and motor skills, which will of course be shown in the second senior…

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4th Nordic Walking Festival in Zagreb – Park Maksimir 02.07.2022.

The Zagreb Sports Recreation Association, in cooperation with the Croatian Nordic Walking Association, organized the 4th Nordic Walking and Hiking Festival in Zagreb, Maksimir Park, on Saturday, July 2, 2022. The goal of the event is to highlight the importance of regular physical activity and enable our fellow citizens to spend an active time outdoors…

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Module 2 for general practitioners ( “Green Recipe – PA on prescription”), Zagreb, Croatia 04.06.2022.

On Saturday, 04.06.2022. the second part of non-formal education was held in the premises of the Fitness University in Zagreb, which is intended for general practitioners within the framework of the HEPA-S Erasmus+ project.This educational module deals with topics on the assessment of the fitness of the elderly, recommendations for physical activity, cooperation between kinesiologists…

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